- ERU/2017-02: 'Technology transfer in a Stackelberg structure: licensing contracts and welfare' - Corrigendum(Tarun Kabiraj and Jiyun Cao) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2016-01: Global and Country Poverty Rates, Welfare Rankings of the Regions and Purchasing Power Parities: How Robust Are the Results? (Amita Majumder, Ranjan Ray and Sattwik Santra) >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2015-01: A Framework for the Simultaneous Measurement of Spatial Variation and Temporal Movement in Prices in a Heterogeneous Country: the Dynamic Household Regional Product Dummy Model (Manisha Chakrabarty, Amita Majumder and Ranjan Ray) >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2015-02 Gender Bias In Education In West Bengal (Amita Majumder and Chayanika Mitra) >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-01: Foreign Entry, Acquisition Target, and Host Country Welfare (Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-02: Is the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve Stable? Evidence from Some Emerging Economies (Kushal Banik Chowdhury and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-03: Convergence of Foodgrains Production across Indian States: A Study with Panel Data (Debabrata Mukhopadhyay and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-04: Strategic Outsourcing with Technology Transfer under Cournot Competition (Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-05: Strategic Outsourcing with Technology Transfer under Price Competition (Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-06: Cooperative vs. Non-Cooperative R&D Incentives under Incomplete Information (Tarun Kabiraj and Srobonti Chattopadhyay) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-07: Spillover Effects in Up and Down Stock Market Movements: A Dynamic Conditional Correlation Model (Srikanta Kundu and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-08: Asymmetry in the Extracted Housing Wealth Effects on Consumption (Mahamitra Das and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-09: Cooperative vs. Non-Cooperative R&D Incentives under Incomplete Information (Tarun Kabiraj and Srobonti Chattopadhyay) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-10: Incomplete Information and R&D Organization (Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Tarun Kabiraj) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-11: Preferences, Spatial Prices and Inequality (Manisha Chakrabarty, Amita Majumder and Ranjan Ray) >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2014-12: Incentives for Product and Process Innovations: A Case for the Drug Industry (Aditya Bhan and Tarun Kabiraj) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2013-01: Household Budget Share Distribution and Welfare Implication: An Application of Multivariate Distributional Statistics (Manisha Chakrabarty and Amita Majumder) >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2013-02: A restricted r-k class estimator in the mixed regression model with autocorrelated disturbances (Shalini Chandraa and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2013-03: Friedman-Ball Hypothesis Revisited in the Framework of Regime-Based Model for Inflation: Evidence from G7 and some Euro Zone Countries (Kushal Banik Chowdhury and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2013-04: Is Effect of Risk on Stock Returns Different in Up and Down Markets? A Multi-Country Study (Srikanta Kundu y and Nityananda sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2013-05: Outsourcing: Some Strategic Aspects (Tarun Kabiraj) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2013-06: On the Choice of Target Firm in International Acquisition (Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha ) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2012-01: Tariff Induced Fee Licensing and Consumers' Welfare (Tarun Kabiraj) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2012-02: Forecasting House Price in the United States: A Time Series Study with Focus on Multiple Structural Breaks (Mahua Barari, Nityananda Sarkar, Srikanta Kundu and Kushal Banik Chowdhury) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2012-03: Comparison of the r-(k,d) class estimator with some estimators under the Mahalanobis loss function (Nityananda Sarkara, Shalini Chandra) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2009-02 : Poverty and Household Decisions - An Exploration of Possible Interdependence. (Dipankor Coondoo, Amita Majumder, Snigdha Chakrabarti, Sandip Mitra, Subhendu Chakrabarti and Dilip C. Nath). >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2009-01 : Regulation, Efficiency and its Determinants - A Stochastic DEA Approach for Indian Cement Industry. (Simanti Bandyopadhyay). >>> simantib@nipfp.org.in
- ERU/2008-08 : Pre-emptive Merger in a Composite Good Framework. (Tarun Kabiraj & Manas Chaudhury). >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2008-07 : Technology Transfer in a Duopoly with Horizontal and Vertical Product Differentiation. (Tarun Kabiraj & Ching Chyi Lee). >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2008-06 : Patent Licensing in Spatial Competition - Non-existence of Royalty Contracts. (Tarun Kabiraj & Ching Chyi Lee). >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2008-05 : Estimating Equivalence Scales Through Engel Curve Analysis. (Amita Majumder & Manisha Chakrabarty). >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2008-04 : Political Stability, Local Democracy and Clientelism In Rural West Bengal. (Pranab Bardhan & Sandip Mitra & Dilip Mookherjee & Abhirup Sarkar). >>> bardhan@econ.berkeley.edu
- ERU/2008-03 : Political Participation, Clientelism and Targeting of Local Government Programs: Analysis of Survey Results from Rural West Bengal, India. (Pranab Bardhan & Sandip Mitra & Dilip Mookherjee & Abhirup Sarkar). >>> bardhan@econ.berkeley.edu
- ERU/2008-02 : A Characterization of the Composite Price Variable to Approximate a Price Aggregator Function in the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System. (Amita Majumder). >>> amita@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2008-01 : Women Empowerment, Household Condition and Personal Characteristics: Their Interdependencies in Developing Countries. (Snigdha Chakrabarti & Chaiti Sharma Biswas). >>> snigdha@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-11 : Effects of Liberalization on Domestic Product Quality. (Tarun Kabiraj & Soma Roy) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-10 : A Study on the Impact of the Use of Electricity on Socio-economic Activities and Environmental Awareness of the Inhabitants of Sagar Dweep, an Island in West Bengal, India. (Snigdha Chakrabarti, Subhendu Chakrabarti, Amita Majumder Robin Mukherjee) >>> snigdha@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-09 : Joint Venture and Adoption of New Technology: The Effect of Bargaining, Control and Demand Shift. (Tarun Kabiraj and Prabal Roy Chowdhury) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-08 : Child Labour and Economic Development. (Ambar Ghosh and Chandana Ghosh) >>> chandana@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-07 : Financial Sector Liberalisation and Profitability of Banks: A Macro View. (Chandana Ghosh and Ambar Ghosh) >>> chandana@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-06 : Financing Infrastructure under Budget Constraints. (Axel Gautier and Manipushpak Mitra) >>> mmitra@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-05 : Stock Market Return and Macroeconomic Fundamentals in Model-Specification Framework: Evidence from Indian Stock Market. (Debabrata Mukhopadhyay and Nityananda Sarkar) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-04 : Simple Sequencing Problems with Interdependent Costs. (Ronald Hain and Manipushpak Mitra) >>> mmitra@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-03 : Incomplete Information and Multiple Machine Queueing Problems. (Manipushpak Mitra) >>> mmitra@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2003-02 : Does the Structure of Debt Affect the Output and Investment Strategies of the Firm. (Rashmi Banga and Uday Bhanu Sinha) >>> sinha.uday@gmail.com
- ERU/2003-01 : Measuring Inter-industry Trade: An Axiomatic Approach. (Satya R. Chakravarty, Andreas Pfingsten and Jacques Silber) >>> satya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-14 : Psychology and the Choice of an Optimal Travel Path. (Tarun Kabiraj) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-13 : Power in Weighted Majority Games. (Rana Barua, Satya R. Chakravarty and Sonali Roy) >>> satya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-12 : Measuring Gender Bias. (Diganta Mukherji) >>> diganta@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-11 : Impact of Environmental Regulation on Small Scale Industries--Cost-Benefit Approach for Secondary Lead Smelting Units. (Snigdha Chakrabarti and Nita Mitra) >>> snigdha@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-10 : Protecting Consumers through Protection: The Role of Tariff-Induced Technology Transfer. (Tarun Kabiraj and Sugata Marjit) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-09 : An Alternative Approach for Estimating Human Development Index. (Krishna Mazumdar) >>> krishna@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-08 : Stability of the Day of the Week Effect in Return and in Volatility at the Indian Capital Market: A GARCH Approach with Proper Mean Specification. (Kaushik Bhattacharya, Nityananda Sarkar, and Debabrata Mukhopadhayay) >>> tanya@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-07 : A Note on Cross-country divergence in standard of living. (Krishna Mazumdar) >>> krishna@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-06 : Subsidy, Fiscal Deficit and Inflation in Developing Countries. (Ambar Ghosh and Chandana Ghosh) >>> chandana@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-05 : Technological Asymetry, Externality and Merger: The Case of a Three-firm Industry. (Tatun Kabiraj and Ching Chyi Lee) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-04 : On a Method of Calculating Regional Price Differentials with Illustrative Evidence from India. (D. Coondoo, A. Majumder, and R. Ray) >>> dcoondoo@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-03 : Relative Tax Performances : Analysis for Selected States in India. (Dipankor Coondoo, Amita Majumder, Robin Mukherjee, and Chiranjib Neogi) >>> dcoondoo@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-02 : Cultural Compatibility and Joint Venture Instability - A Theoritical Analysis. (Tarun Kabiraj, Ching Chyi Lee, and Sugata Margit) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in
- ERU/2001-01 : An Incentive Based Salary of a Teacher. (Tarun Kabiraj) >>> tarun@isical.ac.in