This Institute of National Importance is a unique mulit-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata, with Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 37 नेल्सन माणिकम रोड, चेटौ डी अम्पा, अमीनजिकराय, चेन्नई 600029, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 7 एसजेएस संसदवाल मार्ग, नई दिल्ली 110016, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 8 वीं मील, मैसूर रोड, आर.वी. कॉलेजिज पोस्ट, बैंगलोर 560059, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, तेजपुर विश्वविद्यालय; असम 784028, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, 37 नेल्सन माणिकम रोड, चेटौ डी अम्पा, अमीनजिकराय, चेन्नई 600029, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, फर्स्ट फ्लोर, 514, मेटतुपलयम रोड उत्तर कोयंबटूर कोयंबटूर 641043, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान "गुलाब विला" पीओ। नई बरगंद गिरिडीह 815 301 झारखंड, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, स्ट्रीट नं 8, हबीसिगुडा, हैदराबाद 500007, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, तीसरा तल, कक्ष संख्या 320 केंद्र सरकार कार्यालय भवन (प्रतिस्थ भवन) 101, महर्षि करवे रोड मुंबई 400020, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान, "विश्वविद्या", बी -9, बी-विंग, गांधी भवन सर्वेक्षण संख्या 36 के पास तीसरा मंजिल MHADA बुलडिंग, कोथरुड पुणे 411038, भारत
भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान 401 तीर्थक फ्लैट 54/1 अरुणोदय सोसाइटी, अलकपुरी वडोदरा 390007, भारत
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
The activities of the Institute are organized into divisions, of which seven are for research, development and consultancy activities. Each division comprises of Units. Furthermore, there are Associated Institutions and dedicated R&D Centres of the Institute.
This Institute of National Importance is a unique multi-locational one. The Headquarters are in Kolkata and Centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai and Tezpur and a branch in Giridih. The academic programmes are offered in these locations. In addition, there are offices in Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara primarily for consultancy on statistical quality control and operation research in a wide range of industries.
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
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31 |
Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Passive Components for Ethernet LAN Setup 01/13/2022 to 02/01/2022 |
Procurement of Apple MacBook Pro 13.3" 02/03/2022 to 02/24/2022
Procurement of iPAD 02/01/2022 to 02/22/2022
Procurement of Desktop Computers 02/04/2022 to 02/21/2022
Procurement of Desktop Computers 02/04/2022 to 02/21/2022
Procurement of Toner Cartridge 02/11/2022 to 02/22/2022
Procurement of VMWare Software Licenses 02/07/2022 to 02/21/2022
Scanning of Answer Booklets for ISI Admission Test 2022 02/09/2022 to 03/03/2022
Supply and installation of Passive Network Components 02/09/2022 to 02/18/2022
Procurement of Network Switch 02/10/2022 to 02/28/2022
Video Recording and Live Streaming of the Convocation of the Institute 02/11/2022 to 02/18/2022
Procurement of two pocket Rexine folder file with printing 02/11/2022 to 02/18/2022
Upgradation of an Assembled Desktop Computer 02/11/2022 to 02/21/2022
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no CVPR/NIT/25/UG/21-22 Dated 20.01.2022 02/16/2022 to 02/22/2022
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no CVPR/NIT/26/UG/21-22 Dated 20.01.2022 02/16/2022 to 02/22/2022
Procurement of conservative items for Museum 02/14/2022 to 02/28/2022
Upgradation, customization and deployment of the Archive Management Software (EAD Standard) 02/16/2022 to 03/02/2022
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no ISIK/PCMMM&A/68/2021-22/002 dated 16.02.2022 02/17/2022 to 03/02/2022
Procurement of twenty Desktop Computers 02/23/2022 to 03/05/2022
Academic VMware vSphere 7 Standard for 1 processor and its support 02/23/2022 to 03/05/2022
Procurement of forty Desktop Computers 02/23/2022 to 03/05/2022
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no CVPR/NIT/25/UG/21-22 Dated 20.01.2022 02/16/2022 to 02/22/2022 |
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no CVPR/NIT/26/UG/21-22 Dated 20.01.2022 02/16/2022 to 02/22/2022 |
Upgradation, customization and deployment of the Archive Management Software (EAD Standard) 02/16/2022 to 03/02/2022 »
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no ISIK/PCMMM&A/68/2021-22/002 dated 16.02.2022 02/17/2022 to 03/02/2022 »
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
Upgradation, customization and deployment of the Archive Management Software (EAD Standard) 02/16/2022 to 03/02/2022 »
Corrigendum against Tender Reference no ISIK/PCMMM&A/68/2021-22/002 dated 16.02.2022 02/17/2022 to 03/02/2022 »
Last date for submission of Bids : 06/02/2024 (07:00 PM)
Pre-bid Meeting: 24/01/2024, Time: 03:00 PM
01/16/2024 to 02/06/2024Jan
Last date for submission of Bids : 15/02/2024 (11:00 AM)
Pre-bid Meeting: 12/02/2024, Time: 03:00 PM
01/16/2024 to 02/15/2024Jan
Last date for submission of Bids : 22/01/2024 (04:00 PM)
Pre-bid Meeting: 17/01/2024, Time: 03:00 pm
01/12/2024 to 01/22/2024Jan
Last date for submission of Bids : 22/01/2024 (06:00 PM)
01/12/2024 to 01/22/2024संपर्क करें
अन्य केंद्र
भारतीय सांख्यिकीय संस्थान
203, बैरकपुर ट्रंक रोड,
कोलकाता – 700108, पश्चिम बंगाल, भारत
+91 33 2575-2001
© भारतीय सांख्यिकी संस्थान 2019